Thursday 21 March 2013

DAY 7 Leaving DYWITY

We were in school this morning for a presentation of drama by the older pupils. It was Snow White and the 7 Dwarves in German and in English. We loved the acting and really enjoyed their play. Then we went to a village school which was very different. There were only 80 pupils in this school.

After lunch we set off for Warsaw.... a 3 hour bus journey!

We are sad to say goodbye to all of our friends. We have met some wonderful people who have shared their lives with us for a very short time and we have a lifetime of memories to take home to England. The Polish are so very proud of their country and they really appreciate their right to be free! I think we could learn a lot from our Polish friends.

All of us have learned something about each other and about ourselves as well.

The school is so different but children are the same everywhere, they want to have fun and they want to learn. Teachers are also the same everywhere, they are passionate about ensuring children learn and they want to teach so that their children have a better future!

We are very grateful to have shared this week with so many children from different countries.

The Poland Team!

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